Japanese Language Speech Contest 3.11.2023

High School and University students bravely took up the mic to present their speeches in Japanese at the Novi Civic Center. Sponsors included the Consulate General of Japan, the Japan Business Society of Detroit, the Japan America Society, and the Japanese Teachers Association of Michigan. Thank-you to the volunteer judges!

Big SHODO 'calligraphy' energy at the JBSD Japan Festival in Novi on Oct 2nd.

The Japan Festival returned this year filling a beautiful autumn day with Japanese culture including festival drumming, the tea ceremony, martial arts, as well as origami, and games for children.

Pictured is Shodo master Kyoko Fujii.

Presented by the Japan Business Society of Detroit and the Japan Society of Detroit Women’s Club in cooperation with the Consulate General of Japan, the Japan America Society of Michigan and Southwest Ontario, and Shiga Prefecture. Thanks to the city of NOVI and Great Lakes Taiko Center, and all of the generous volunteers!

Students Aced the Japanese Language Speech Contest on 3.13.2022

The Annual Japanese Language Speech Contest organized by the Japanese Consulate in Detroit and co-sponsored by the Japan America Society, the Japan Business Society of Detroit, the Japanese Teacher’s Association of Michigan, and Japan Foundation is open to the 5,000 plus students studying the Japanese language at Michigan High Schools and Universities. For the 27th consecutive year, polished speeches were made before admiring judges and handsome prizes were awarded!